I’m often asked what the benefits and effects of sports massage are on the body and what clients get out of the treatment.
A quick google or flick through any sports massage therapists website or social media page give an array of answers that will be fairly similar from site to site, a few examples of the answers you’ll find is that sports massage can relieve
- pain
- increase range of motion in joints that are restricted
- help to prevent injury
- reduce chronic aches & pains.
All of which are very true and really good reasons to invest in sports massage, but there are a few other reasons that aren’t so well known but are equally as important as the reasons above.
As the saying goes…”A problem shared is a problem halved” and that can be very true when someone comes into the clinic, having a therapist solely focused on them and their pain for the duration of their appointment can be a great relief.
Your therapist not only empathises but has the ability to ease the pain they are in, that empathy alone starts the healing process as the client relaxes and their worry and anxiety eases by just having the belief that they are on the road to recovery, this can often be an emotional moment for clients as the relief that something can be done to help them return to normal kicks in, especially if they have been in pain for while.
Even if the journey to being pain free is a long one the sense of working towards an end goal changes clients mindset and takes away the worry and concern that they will always be in pain, or unable to return to their sport or hobby
In my clinic I always try to promote a sense that my client and I are a team, working together to combat their injuries and issues.
I believe that creates a sense that the client isn’t alone in facing their rehabilitation.
It’s also a good way to ensure the clients do their prescription homework as they feel they’ll be letting the team down if they don’t stick to doing it.
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Another benefit that isn’t highlighted enough is the effect that sports massage has on a person’s sleep.
It’s often remarked on at a follow up appointment that for a few nights after their last appointment was the best sleep the client had had in a long time……this is not a simple coincidence.
I believe there are a couple of reasons this happens, it’s very likely that any injury or chronic pain has caused pain during sleep, when people move or roll over while sleeping they inadvertently aggravate their pain point or injury site which causes people to have regular disturbed sleep.
Once the first treatment has taken place, it’s very likely that whilst injuries and pain haven’t been cured, that the first treatment has had an immediate easing effect, allowing injured muscles to move more freely, independently and in a more correct fashion, supporting muscles aren’t taking taking the strain and can relax and rest.
I also believe that sleep is impacted due to the worry, anxiety and stress of injury and pain.
When people get into bed and try to relax their body, that can often make their pain worse as muscle that has been protecting and guarding damaged tissue whilst being active during the day, suddenly needs to support themselves whilst lying down, when a sharp pain or dull ache is felt, the worry and anxiety kicks in causing people to lie awake worried about what’s going on with the body and will they ever be pain free again!!
That worry is reduced when a treatment plan is in place, the client can see and feel a road to recovery, which removes the worry, stress and anxiety along with feeling they are working alongside someone that can provide support and understanding during the recovery process.
Having a good sense of what your injury is and how is it was caused, and far more importantly, how to recover really helps to speed up the process as doubt, insecurity and anxiety have been taken away, allowing the client to solely focus on recovery in a positive and supported frame of mind.
You know your in the right hands with Muscle Kare Therapy:
- Your Muscle Kare therapist is qualified, experienced & insured
- Muscle Kare focusses on providing you with the best sports massage treatments for pre-event performance, post-event performance, during training for recovery and injury rehabilitation
- Don’t “push through” injuries, instead listen to your body
- Contacting us is easy, and we’ll always do our best to provide you with best possible care
If you want to know more, then please review other services we offer, or get in contact with us to ease that ache.